At any time prior to the renewal date of your current Subscription Plan, Members may opt to Unsubscribe.

Dues are paid quarterly in advance. Your Membership will continue to be valid until the paid quarter is completed. No refunds for early termination of your membership. Once Unsubscribed, your dues will no longer be debited and your privileges will subsequently be revoked. If at some point in the future you decide to rejoin, the dues rate will be at the then current rate and an Initiation Fee may also be incurred.

Upon your request to cancel, future monthly payments will be stopped and your last month's prepaid dues will be applied.

Your current dues rate per month will no longer be honored if your account is to be terminated. Should membership be reinstated in the future, the dues rate will be the then current rate.

Any remaining Office Use Credits on your account will be void once you have completed this Subscription Termination process. If you have any remaining Office Use Credits we suggest you use them up while your account is still current.

If you have a negative balance on your Office Use account, you will need to pay off your balance due before your Cancellation can be approved and finalized. We will send you an Account Reconcilliation Report for your account which will be considered an Invoice for the Balance Due. All past due billing and /or money owed must be settled in order to process your cancellation.

It is advisable to call us (858 605-6262) and review your account before you proceed with this cancellation request.

For PayPal Subscriptions, simply click the Unsubscribe Button here or in the Member Zone on the Membership Website and follow the instructions.

For CardFlex Subscriptions, please complete and submit the Membership Request Form Below.

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Dear VisionPulse Membership Department,

I'm sending you this written notice to request cancellation of my membership in your CEOs Office Membership Program effective immediately. It is my understanding that upon receiving this cancellation notice that my Membership will be valid until 90 days after my last Subscription payment. There after, I understand that my privieleges will be revoked and I will forfiet any unused Office Use Credits that remained in my Account. I also understand that should I have a negative balance on my Office Use Account, I must pay the balance due before my Cancellation Request can be finalized.

Thank you,



Member Name


City, State, Zip Code

Fax or Mail Completed form to:

VisionPulse Creative Membership Department
2658 Del Mar Heights Rd. #265
Del Mar, CA 92014
Fax 858 481-6487