• Launch Your Own Idea -
Solutions for the person who has a product or service to take to market
• Investments -
Solutions for people who want to learn about real estate investing, trading the stock market or foreign currency, gold and silver investing/trading, etc.
• Franchises/Buy a Business -
Solutions for people who are thinking about buying a franchise or business
• Direct Sales companies -
Direct sales company distributors who are seeking customers AND business builders to build and lead a distribution team
• Groups/Organizations in San Diego County -
To support entrepreneurs to learn, grow and thrive
• Turnkey Web Biz Opportunities -
solutions for people who want to get started with a turnkey web biz
Within the above categories may be these types of businesses:
Artist Promotion & Distribution
Banks & Lending Institutes
Bartering Companies
Book Publishing
Business Brokers
Business Coaches
Direct Sales Companies
Distribution Channels
eCommerce Opportunities
Gold & Silver Investment Opportunities
Grants & Grant Writers
Idea Incubators
Import/Export Opportunities
Incorporation & Legal Services
Invention & Distribution Support Services
Modeling/Acting/Music/Voice-Over Opportunities
Opportunities for Disabled People
Opportunities for Work At Home Mom's
Patent & Trademark Attorneys
Prototyping & Production Manufacturers
Real Estate Investment Opportunities
Stock Brokers & Investment Opportunities
Stock Photography Foundries
Venture Capitalists
Web Affiliate Programs
If you would like to be an Exhibitor, please contact:
Kay Lathrop
619 537-9082
EMail: KayLathrop@EnvisionCreate.com