San Diego Festival of Beer
by San Diego Professionals Against Cancer

Where Your Contribution Goes

When we say we are a non-profit organization, we mean it! There is no paid staff within SDPAC. We are 100% volunteer and all funds raised go either into production and marketing of the next “FOB” event, or are donated to carefully selected and screened charities. We do also save just a little bit to have a "thank you" party for our hardworking volunteers to show them our appreciation and to give us all a chance to get together and discuss how to improve next time.Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center logo

2006 check ceremony for Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at sponsor Kansas City BBQIn August of 2006, members of the SDPAC Board of Directors and key volunteers presented grants to two San Diego-based cancer research facilities.  These funds were generated from the 2005 San Diego Festival of Beer.

President Candace Brown and the SDPAC event team presented a check in the amount of $45,900 to the Directors of the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center.  Not missing a beat, Ms. Brown then handed a $15,000 check to Rady's Children's Hospital.

2006 check ceremony for Rady Children's Hospital at sponsor Kansas City BBQ"Neither of these donations are possible without the thousands Rady Children's Hospital logoof San Diegans who buy tickets for the Festival of Beer or the hard work of our volunteers.  I join the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center and Rady's Children's Hospital directors in thanking those who help us fund cancer research programs here in San Diego."2005 check ceremony at Sidney Kimmel Cancer CenterIn 2005 SDPAC donated $39,000 for an ultracentrifugation instrument which provides an essential tool for analysis. It was a time sensitive need to acquire the instrument because the studies are ongoing and in the absence of a prompt acquisition the studies would come to a stand still.

This instrument allows rapid separation of complexes (centrifugation runs are short) and facilitates our ability to obtain the intact complexes and not the dissociated complex – an essential pre-requisite for our studies. Closeup of 2005 check ceremony at Sydney Kimmel CenterThe table top nature of this instrument also allows flexibility of location which is necessary because proximity to other equipment facilitates rapid, and more importantly, correct analysis. This instrument will have an amplifying effect on this critical area of research in cancer biology and will identify novel anti-cancer therapeutic and diagnostic approaches.

Children's Hospital In 2005 SDPAC graciously donated $15,110 to Children's Hospital and Health Center for the purchase of five Alaris Patient Controlled (PCA) Pumps. PCA pumps are used to dispense pain medication, allowing Children's patients to control the administration of their pain medicine within prescribed dosages. By allowing the patients to administer their own pain medication in a completely controlled environment the anxiety that they feel from the painful injury or long-term condition such as cancer will be reduced.

In 2004 SDPAC presents the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center with a check for $33,265 for the purchase of an Intravital Microscope setup giving SKCC a unique means to acquire real time data of micro tumor biological events in living animal Children's tissue. The intravital microscopy equipment is vital in the study of the effects of novel drugs on  very small tumors and efficacy of new treatment. Center with a check for $33,265 for the purchase of an Intravital Microscope setup giving SKCC a unique means to acquire real time data of micro tumor biological events in living animal tissue. The intravital microscopy equipment is vital in the study of the effects of novel drugs on  very small tumors and efficacy of new treatment.

In 2003 SDPAC presents Children's Hospital with a $19,500 check for the purchase of remote patient cardiac monitors needed in the Children's Cancer Treatment Recovery Wing Sydney Kimmel Cancer Center 2004 SDPAC check acceptance ceremonyof the hospital. These monitors allow the staff to be more effective and provide better treatment.

Prior years' contribution details available upon request.

Need additional information about SDPAC or SD Festival of Beer or have comments?
Please call and leave a message at 858-672-3972

Last update: 26-Oct-2006